Excerpt from the book
“The Knowledge (I Gnosi) – The Revelation” (Published in 2009) by Ioannis G. Tsatsaris, writer-gnoseologist
This is a very serious issue for every era. Some statistics that have come to my attention, given by medical scientists specialized in cases of suicide, speak of their considerable numbers. As a matter of fact, if we scrutinize the epoch we are living in, all the indications are that mankind is following a line approving such an act, which is what may contribute to a considerable increase of their incidence.
This is why I feel obliged to refer here to something that is very harmful for anyone committing it. Suicide has nothing to do with what most people say about it, in a superficial way, at the same time with the shocked incomprehension of someone who is seized with fright on hearing of such a thing because they are imprisoned by the ruling of the unconscious which is localized in this planet of ours, the principle that tells him that life, that everything is here. It was moreover preceded by the playing of more tricks. Influencing the person’s hormones, it gradually led him or her to harbor dream illusions of paradisal eternities here on Earth. A great many people have been induced into to this sort of self delusion, some of them in fact basing a whole theory of cosmological principle upon it, interweaving it with diverse fairy tales.
Let us however see how a person can be trapped in an illusory world, to the point of thinking that to commit suicide is a sort of revenge, while also at the same time a source of pseudo-enjoyment, in a way. Certain thematological co-elementations are formed in the innate world of the individual, able to isolate him, to bind him and guide him to an illusory gap that initially gives him pleasure and hopefulness but subsequently leads to absolute uncertainty, the tyranny of which the person then experiences. During this time, he or she develops the faculty of thought – becoming a certainty – that others are to blame for all that they feel, for the stress they are under. According to some innate and yet indeterminate logic they believe it is the fault of others, because it was these others who had implanted various desirables in the individual, that clamoured for satisfaction, although they were unable to respond. Therefore the person turns to a magneto-attractive aggressiveness against them. However, because he cannot touch them, due to the deep-seated cowardice that governs him, he finds another way: to be revenged by taking his own life. This constitutes a fabrication formed by the unconscious in human viscerality. Then the endocrinal system starts functioning under this vibration until one day it reaches the point of blocking the circulation. At these moments the person experiences an indefinable stress and pressure that leads them to acute extremes, whereupon they decide to kill themselves.
Let us however see the matter from within its physiogenesis and not the anathematogenesis of mankind. These are very different from one another. Physiogenesis has reference to the assembling of the elements and the assembly of Man, on the basis of the Laws of Nature. Anathematogenesis expresses the seeking of differences for the purpose of conflict and all that is the worst. In regard to the physiogenesis of life on Earth, therefore, the following applies: when Man comes here he encounters a Nature already formed, with a surplus of anti-lawful and a minimal lawful, co-elementation. The limited effective Lawfulness is in place as deputy and assistant to the individual, as long of course as its aid is sought. But there are so many other matters pending around him which are served by the others, to which they add their indignation, so that a person is easily brought into confusion by the negative, which disarms him and, through multiple parasitical influences brings him to a state of utter submission. It leads him wherever it wishes and enticingly develops stimuli and acuities in his innate functionality which, when they reach the extreme, lead someone to commit suicide.
This does of course not signify that the guidance of Anti-Lawfulness always leads to the same outcome. However, all who submit to it come to a burdening of their position in one way or another. Thus somebody who harms another also belongs in the category of the suicide, because he will suffer the same burdening under the Law.
Let us now come to the biology of Man’s co-elemental state. Obviously a tremendous effort is required for such things to be imprinted in oneself. Nevertheless, this is his own work and the success will be his. Consequently, however great the effort, it will be lesser than what he expended on some other project in his life.
Where, then, does such an extreme commence, in to which some people end up? We have the endocrinal system with its hormonal productions; we have the neural and circulatory systems, at work for the organism to have the linear courses and supply of its separate systems, elements and functions. There, the human brain plays an important role.
Hormonal productions, with their differentiated qualities, speeds and vibrations have enormous jobs to do. One of those is the elemental-energetic supply necessary for the organism, in order for the proper elements to be taken to the suitable organic regions so as to give perception the capacity to get started on every project and its outcome. In this process the lead role is held by the hormonal order and, in subsequent special place comes the function of the nervous system and of the circulation. Man’s organicity is stabilized or decomposed upon these functions. The hormonal system gives the initial starting signal for organic activation. The energized mobile instituted functions of the organism are based on activation of the diverse hormonal constituting ingredients and speeds. Nevertheless, the endocrinal factor brings the whole relation between the liquid and the ethereal element of the organism into action. Thereof the transporter, distributor and provider of the energetic propping support is the nervous system. The circulation of the blood activates the alimenting counterbalance in the organism with the carbohydrates and all the other elements serving the purpose of organization of every mechanical function. If all these disparate functions are in harmonious productivity and relation then the organism will function smoothly because all its requirements will have been met, in all their diverse energetic courses.
The carbohydrate element also moves in all this ramification of the circulatory state. This element is in a way the bearer of the anti-lawful influence. Naturally, carbohydrates do not constitute something harmful for the organism. It requires them on the contrary to be placed as a chemo-component providing it with the possibility of being energized.
In order for this cooperative corporate functioning to enjoy a collaboration of acceptance and offer, a person should, based on his or her perceptional mind, operate under a peaceful state of cooperation with their self and not succumb to fractioning aggressivities and explosive behavior towards others. Such aggressiveness is formed in the course of the person’s demand for satisfaction of their desires. Such desires are born and become acute with the contribution of the hormonal order in its negative effects. In some of its excessive speeds of activation the hormonal element forms an explosive triggering in the being to treat his self to the satisfaction to which he had previously given shape in his self as something indispensable to him.
Thyroxin has special participation in all this, a hormone that manifests its presence in the total hormone production in a very special manner. In the same way as all the other hormones, it too presents a diversified quality of instituted contribution to the separate life-functions that require it so as to be energized and to reproduce that which the organism needs.
Moments of time also enter into this whole system, during which the organism is subject to certain metabolisms. Metabolisms are a steady reclassification of the integrity of each element in its newborn state to continue its offering to the whole organism. This offer has the participation of the total of hormonal elements. Their mixture starts out from the brain, headed by the hypophysis with its biochemical contribution and distribution as well as the epiphysis that becomes the passage of atmospheric energy to the organism, transmuting into atmospheric energy for the individual to find himself at the starting point, development and production. The thyroxin hormone has a special participation in the entire process. Let us see precisely how:
In the course of all these standard organic institutionalizations there comes an instant when the individual is introduced to be influenced by someone. This influence is effected by contraction of some gland during the excretion of its hormone production. The contraction of the excretion for sufficiency of the hormonal production may in fact act upon not only one but also on two glands. There is then a reduction in the productivity of two hormonal categories. This frequently has impact upon the thyroid function: this gland dilates, thus producing more milligrams of thyroxin, which it passes into the whole of the hormonal chemo-elementation for the formation of biochemical energy. The increase in thyroxin production occurs instantaneously. If, however, the influence brought by the remaining endocrinal system in contractions, the dilation of the thyroid may persist and be established as a permanent quantitative deviation, which may harm the organic integrity. A seat of inferior or disturbed functioning of this gland may become standardized, as may the entire hormone network. When the production or effect of thyroxin is increased, the equilibrium of the whole organism may be distorted. At the same time, disturbance in the excretion of one or two hormones may result in the semi-functioning or under-function of some other glands.
The unconscious does not however stop there. It will continue increasing its influence on the organic productivity. When it succeeds in increasing its influence on the organism by producing somewhat more in milligrams of thyroxin it then enters an inductive course increasing its influence over the organism, develops its power and forms more pathological breeding grounds. One of its most important influences it seeks to impose is upon the hormonal integrity of the sexual glands. If it succeeds in establishing a strong seat there, the individual finds himself in some innate displeasure in relation to the ‘complete’ life he would wish to live. This displeasure causes him to feel inferior, without being able clearly to define in himself why this is so. He cannot evolve a thought process of perception that would make clear that this inferiority is produced by himself. The unconscious brings him to the erroneous tendency to seek outside himself for those who are to blame for his inferiority. From this point on a major force of reactions and actions is organized in him, leading him inductively and swiftly to the fall of his perception, because, you see, action and reaction may raise us up high or bring us down low. When a person is bound by the unconscious to concern himself with lower matters, he becomes perceptionally lowered and every action and reaction of his operate to the detriment of his individuality. When, however, he or she develops special perceptions, he/she can cover the spaces in every one of their functional expression and in the productivity of the positive or negative category, opting for those which benefit their individual development. The seats equivalent to what was chosen will then be formed in his/her organicity. Source seats of positivity bring about a good creative circulatory condition of the blood, without organo-functional vacuums, and the supply to the brain of a special quality of blood is unimpeded. It results in perception beginning to function productively in evolved inductively evolving representations and judgements that clearly demonstrate the indicated course of development desired of the individual. The seats of the negative position bring the person to a pathological situation. Hormonal products are then of lesser quality and distorted speed. On the basis of negative atmospheric influences, the brain does not have the capacity to form the suitable bio-chemical energy. The various energetic functions are thus insufficiently supplied, resulting in the person being in constant retrogression and unable to develop their perception with any hopeful perspective for the future. He or she on the contrary finds themselves in a pathological organic state and begin to feel inferior in the face of anything. Moreover, they transfer the responsibility for this whole condition of inferiority to others: parents, ancestors, friends, relatives, personalities of society, teachers, politicians. The person constantly keeps those whom they consider to be to blame in view, waging an interior warfare with them. As we well know, however, war never has beneficial results. It exhausts the person and annihilates their reserves of energy until they reach a state of forcible immobilization of their outward aggressiveness. They may then immure themselves into an introverted inner mobility which, although it may seem so, is in no way absolute inertization. His or her unconscious works intensively on attributing responsibilities to others for the pathological condition in which the person finds him- or herself. Furthermore, during its multifaceted introversional work, it leads that person to find some way to be revenged.
There exist however also other outlets in the war waged by one person against the others. Thus, some people reach the point of attacking others in order to acquire worldly goods, to amass fortunes, so as then to be revenged on the others by displaying their acquisitions. Then there are others who resort to any means to be appointed to positions in politics or other administrations so as to project some power of influence on others. There are yet more who employ religious/theological means with a view to exerting influence, to feel supremacy, to possess their personal subjective profits. All of them attempt to hold on through these aspirations, to sustain themselves and to put themselves in first place, claiming a position of successful achiever in the eyes of others. This is what the Earth’s societies of people promote as an ‘official position’, this is also what, greatly striving, people aspire to acquire, in the belief that they will in this way annul every inferiority in their self and fear caused by the perishability of the natural body.
L et us now revert to internal communion of the suicidal person. Since the others did not respond to his demands in just the way he or she wished and demanded, the person is shut into a pathological state whereby they seek a way to attack and clash so as to neutralize the one supposedly responsible for the state the subject is in. This inner desire within to clash forms an energized certainty that the other needs him or her and wants them close. Therefore, how to take revenge? Well, by committing suicide! This decision is not taken at just any time. It arises at some moment during which the subject is going through certain metabolic processes that render them too weak to proceed to extrovert aggressiveness. Thus, they turn their impulse inward and take their own life. Such an act against the self is in essence addressed to others.
However, this is not the end of the evil. When the person reaches this most acute organo-functional void that they will energize to achieve the so adverse result, upon departing from here they will embark on another route. What route is this? Where are they to go, when they themselves have destroyed their personal presence, depriving their self of the opportunity to know the meaning of their passage here? How will they be received by the higher societies of the universes? Will these send the person back to continue in the life he or she knows? No. They will be sent back to a space where they will never be at peace …
We must at this point also examine another aspect of the extreme act known as suicide. An enormous role is also played by tradition as it prevails in diverse parts of the world. Some places exist where tradition has instituted the act of suicide as a function of a completely acceptable ethic. When someone has made a mistake detrimental to others, instead of coming out and admitting it publicly they believe that in continuing to live they will not be absolved and they therefore put themselves to death by their own hand. In my opinion it is very wrong for someone to break off the destined work, the task of natural evolution, interrupting its preordained length of time. A suicide is the job of the unconscious, which is why the magnetic fields of the suicidal are bound here and their soul finds itself in an indefinite state of a course that will torment them for an unknown length of time…
It would therefore be a good thing for people to learn that when they come to some space by physiogenesis they ought to get to know that space as thoroughly as possible. On the basis of the work done by somebody to perceive their place in Nature here, to learn the manifestations of life and overcome its obstacles, when the time comes to depart hence, they will follow upward courses. If, however, they try to subtract what is the work of physiogenesis, they will then be classified in the category of para-physiogenesis. Para-physiogenesis is a negative function that determines routes to destructive areas. They who are irrational here end up serving this para-physiogenetic function there. It is not, however, a service that the human mind can grasp. The only thing that can come near it here on Earth are painful incurable illnesses, hospitals, prisons of torture.
It is a necessity for the duration of his path on Earth that Man should be attentive to his conduct and, however many years he may spend here, should be of service for his evolution in a humanitarian spirit of sociability, seeking the meanings of truth and equivalent ethics as well as dedication to the Higher Order of the Functionaries of the Universes, with the request to be deserving of a hopeful future. This is the only way to succeed.
However, look at what mankind has come to nowadays. On the one hand, the para-physiogenesis they have served for so many centuries allowed them to exist but on the other inflicted so many illnesses on them and inability to be sure of sustaining their life, that whatever they do they are always afraid. Even when they achieve something and they see a spark of hope, some other anxiety will immediately present itself that will make them feel not well. This is incidentally why the ancient Greeks had the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” (the English equivalent, although the Greek “outhen kalon amiges kakou” says the contrary, that every good thing has its bad side.)
The question of suicide is too specialized for it to be covered entirely in a restricted article. I wish to add only that those who end up in this error could also belong in the category of human beings with special aptitudes. These faculties do not however finally guide them to success. The reason is that when a truly successful person comes to an introverted sensitivity or a delicate perception of the adversities or negativity of the space occupied, at some moment when he is powerless to act and feels weak, is nevertheless capable of using this inner experience as energization in order to find the essence of life here. Special perceptions – even of life’s greatest ugliness – should not subject somebody to the rule of quitting and suicide and instead to striving for knowledge. The person holding an illusory projection in him or her self of what they could be like, who is fettered to it, is not said to be intelligent nor successful but a failure. The adversities of life should be the spark for acquisition of knowledge. This is how Man acquires what is renowned as wisdom. Remember, too, that wisdom is not an undefined clever word: it is the perception of what is right and what is harmful, at every step of our life.
English translation of Chapter 19 – Suicides, “THE Knowledge (I Gnosi) – The Revelation”, Ioannis G. Tsatsaris, Epistos Publications, Athens 2009