Foni tis Korinthias


On the Speeds of the Illusions

Τhe phenomena of our times form a motivating stimulant to give little thought to why these days of ours present such absurdity, why people think in ways that bind them and why they have indefinite expectations. It is easy to ask oneself why, despite all the advances made in every sector and despite so many scientific achievements a disturbed social state predominates, where criminality is on the increase, transgression flourishes and while hospital beds are fully occupied. I would classify all these contradictory phenomena in what I call the ‘speed of our times’. Based on this speed, on the one hand we observe an excessive development in mechanical inventions but on the other the energy-mobilising interventions in the biological system of mankind have also moved ahead. Thus modern man goes forward without end to diverse quests and is never stable in a satisfaction. He is always in expectation.

All this leads us to observe the neurophysiology of his organic order. There we will see that our present age forms very mobile searches for solutions in his subjective and hypothetical issues, as he seeks what is called ‘the good life’, the experience of happiness. If we enter man’s organization of thought we will observe that he is constantly proceeding to quests that make him want to be racing without stopping and partially find some definitions which however do not entirely satisfy him, with the result that he goes on to seek others. We can easily observe it in the behaviour of the specialist scientific branches in the face of certain subjects that while needing a carefully considered opinion and intervention nevertheless are the occasion of rich absurdities! An instance of this is the recent detection by the World Health Organization of a dangerous virus and the exhortation to mass vaccinations, whilst at the same time, headed by a German specialist of illnesses they are collecting signatures with the intention of resorting to the courts of the Community against the decision for supposedly obligatory vaccinations. On the other hand, some laboratories for scientific research have detected some neo-particles of mobility in the atmosphere of the planet about which they are anxious. They do not however know what is happening exactly …

If we stop for a while to count all these movements we shall see on the one hand a part of the scientific community determining a research with special attention, with a view to finding something that is right and most effective for human societies and on the other we find presented other highly scientific opinions which say that this is not right at all.

What should we notice at this point? That our times have diversified. This means that the natural atmospheric function of the planet has diversified. And, not only of the planet. But we will not proceed to outer space, of which we as yet know nothing. Just as our space here remains to a great extent unknown to science. Yet in a way some elements, organisms and functions have been approached that may give us some very few answers as to the individuality and behaviour of Nature here, at the levels it finds itself and functions. There are branches of science that deal only with these. However, in my opinion, what they have found often concern the elements that form destructive situations. One well known example is what is called the ozone hole. It is obvious that scientists have not become aware interiorly that they must not resort to experimental research and tests on elements of destruction. Before proceeding to tests, the scientist ought first of all to reach the level to realise that when the elements of destruction found in Nature or created artificially by the specialists are released to go outward, they create magnetic fields of attraction and of other destructive elements from other planetary systems. And one day they arrive to manifest their destructiveness en masse in the societies of man, who came here by Law to struggle and to learn something about the meaning of life, the behaviour of Nature and for their sociabilitization, in their effort to deal with what is going wrong with Nature. Man came to Earth to form a behaviour of social relations with his self and with all others, so that in the course of his passage here to manage to be that person who will be ‘promoted’ that will subsequently lead him to a higher level of Nature, a higher level of biological synthesis and perceptional delight.

Unfortunately, if we examine things in depth, we shall see that the efforts of people who found communities of scientists and other communities of influence – that I need not mention — aim at developing the parametric parasitical elements of Nature, extrapolating them to dominant operators – as was the case of nuclear energy – so that they should be able to impose themselves, to make followers and dominate over the faithful followers-working men-slaves and feel that they have vanquished what awaits them! But they are never going to vanquish it. The domination of the absurd on them here will impose upon them that which is the Rule and the Law of essential Justice.

And whereas in reality the climatological-atmospherical and biological condition of life on Earth exercises such pressures on man’s organic state, so that he lives, eats, sleeps and conducts the basic functions with difficulty although he may well say that he is ‘having a good time’ – nevertheless there where he will go hereafter it will be much worse. For as long as he was here as a learner and transgressed he will be rejected from the opportunities for learning and will end by deserving the situation that he will one day see when he crosses over. As for those who do not believe in the continuity of the Soul, let them not fool themselves, for the unconscious will hang them! That is its mission, and let them learn that whatever has been created is never lost. Hereafter, the Soul is classified according to the deeds of each. And, unfortunately, ‘papers of absolution’ do not exist …

If we come to the biological composition of the individual we see that his entire organic function disposes of a mechanism that struggles, night and day, to balance in order to maintain the presence of the person here in a biological constitution of strength and harmony. When we strive to dominate over others, elements are produced within us that prevent the state of preservation and harmony. When these are interposed in the individual’s biological state they block the neuro-transmissonal energy of the message reference which would activate the mechanism that produces a person’s perception for him to notice the impending errors. And thus the organism, its neuro-biological order finds itself in a situation of confusion. The result is that he is in out-of-control reception of the parasitical condition of composite nature. Then his biological system finds itself in the delirium of a function that presents to the individual as a great willing desire to serve the absurd. The result will be that he will at some time end up by right there where his own deeds will have classed him.

But how exactly does this happen? The diverse chemo-ingredients that have inundated nature, the modified foodstuffs and the uncontrolled pharmaceutical and other substances enter into the biological centres of the human organism until they act upon the genes and pseudo-genes. At the same time the blood produced, polluted, enters the regulations of the centro-mechanistic state of the organism. Then on the one hand the binding we acquire with the parasitical categories of elements of nature and on the other our sensory-organic desires, form in us an overspeed in the search for solutions. When the speed – which is besides other things a neurological and endocrinal phenomenon starts out, the parasitism is interposed and turns the starting point into an overturning pressure. Then the elements of messages that would inform the centripetal system of gnoseological perception for the course of every starting point differentiate their direction. The person finds himself in the end in a state of confusion, which usually urges him to turn against the other, accusing him of what is happening to himself …

We have therefore seen how the biological organism is influenced by the parasitism that has been created in Nature by the specialists in their branches, based on the pollution and parasitical development of their ‘highly scientific’ discoveries such as nuclear power, chemical substances, modified foodstuffs, uncontrolled pharmaceuticals. All this has been created by the so-called ‘experts’ in a climate of abstract operation of their subjective unconscious, believing that with the help of those elements they would find and provide power, domination and that at the same time they would be helping people. However, the expression ‘I help people’ often sounds like those of politicians who come out and speak great lies with a view to getting the citizens to vote for them …

It is more or less in this way that extremely parasitical elements emerge and predominate in nature’s atmosphere of the planet as well as in the composition of organisms. The result is that we reach such a sorry state that what is imminent and that the people of Earth will soon experience – and I need not announce it – will be the natural outcome of their deeds.